Friday, March 29, 2013

Winter Pond

Winter Pond - Digital with ArtRage

Farm Pond Pines Reflection, the starting point for the ArtRage painting, which is painted on top of this one

I'm starting to work on a group of four paintings of the pond and trees at Great Brook State Park in Carlisle, MA. I visited the park a number of times this winter observing the snow and taking photos. It's a cross country ski area in winter, so I had to wear snow shoes to get where I needed to go! I'll be out tomorrow working on the new paintings, taking advantage of what should be a beautiful and warm day.

A few years ago I did a couple of paintings of the scene from different vantage points, and thought I could use them as the starting point. And I wanted to try the winter painting as a nocturne. What better way to give it a shot than to use the summer painting as a starting point, and ArtRage to try out my ideas for the winter version? You can see the results above, after a little experimentation. It works pretty well, don't you think?

Wish me luck tomorrow!

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