Monday, October 17, 2016

Pumpkin and Friends

Pumpkin and Friends
5"x7" oil on linen panel

I'm getting behind on posting, due to forgetting to photograph the paintings. This one is from last Thursday and introduces my new favorite apple, the Autumn Gala. I hope they still have some when I get to the farm stand tomorrow, because I've eaten all of mine!

If anyone has any tips for photographing paintings with very dark backgrounds, I'd love to hear them. I'll try retaking the photo once the painting is dry.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour chère Bobbi,

    Une composition intéressante... Des couleurs flamboyantes qui me plaisent beaucoup. Des Galas que je croquerais bien aussi ! et pourquoi pas un bon potage de potiron ?... sourire !

    J'aime beaucoup la lumière qui vient caresser le sujet et l'ombre apportée... Joli contraste avec le fond même si la photo ne reconstitue pas la vérité.
    Douce vérité autrement l'oeuvre n'aurait plus raison d'être !...
    Mille bisous.

    Hello dear Bobbi,

    An interesting composition ... The flamboyant colors that I like a lot. I will eat galas too! and why not a good pumpkin soup? ... smile!

    I love the light that caresses the subject and the shadow made ... Nice contrast with the background even if the photo doesn't reconstitute the truth.
    Sweet truth: otherwise work would have more reason to be! ...
    A thousand kisses.
