Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lucky Lady Sketch

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of winter. Down with snow and ice! It's time to start thinking about warm summer days and the interesting boats we see when we are out on the water. So I am gathering my boat photos, and doing some drawings in preparation for painting them. This is the Lucky Lady, a lobster boat out of East Boothbay. I think she's got style.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. Winter is getting old here too- but spring will be here soon!
    I like the drawing- she does have style!

  4. Bob,

    The composition on this one is alluring to me. I want to follow the boat! I love to right angles and the symetry of the boat offset by the angle of perspective. Guess you can tell I am a Math teacher. Definitely makes me want to go on a 'venture!

  5. I want to know what the Asian comments are!

  6. I just had a Chinese friend read them, and they are graffiti, so I am deleting them.

  7. I love your sketches, Bobbi. So bold and dynamic.

  8. This is a great drawing and will make a fantastic painting. The boat is perfectly positioned. I can't wait to see the finished product..

  9. Thanks, guys. It is so nice to get these. I always feel like it's cheating to post a drawing rather than a painting, and then I get these great comments. You guys make it all worth while!
