Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Apple versus Orange"

"Apple versus Orange"
6"X6" oil on canvas panel

I love this apple! It has the most interesting pattern on its surface with those lovely greeny gold streaks coming out around the stem. I couldn't resist them. And the orange wedge wants to compete, but it's awfully small...

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  1. The orange may be small but it is beautifully rendered! I love the way the color pops so that you can almost taste the juice. On my screen, I see what looks like a slight reflection of the orange on the apple. Was it intentional? In any case, it looks very nice.

  2. MBTETRO@OPTONLINE.NETDecember 18, 2009 at 11:49 AM

    I think this is a gem of a painting. One of your best.
    Merry Christmas.

    Mary Tetro

  3. Thanks so much Joelle and Mary. Indeed there is an intentional reflection of the orange in the apple and there is also a bit of a green reflection on the other side. I use tissue paper of the color that I want for the background underneath the fruit so that I can see the real color of all the reflections.
