"Lucky Lady"
6"x6" oil on canvas panel
February has been a month for experimenting and trying new things. I spent some time with acrylic inks (fun) and acrylics (ugh) after being inspired by Scottish painter, Claire Harrigan.
Take a look at her wonderful colorful and abstract still lifes and landscapes. I will need to spend more time with those ideas before I have anything to show. Then it was on to a project that has been in my mind for a long time, really learning how to paint boats. I've done a couple on the blog, but have never felt really comfortable that I was getting things right. So I thought if I did 10 or 20, I might get somewhere. I started with some sketches (see
previous posts) and this is my first painting, of the lobster boat Lucky Lady, out of East Boothbay. We happened on her pulling traps on one of our trips up to Boothbay in our boat.
One year ago today, was my first post to this blog! I want to thank everyone for their support and interest over the last year. This has been such a wonderful experience. I have learned even more than I expected to, about mixing color, about composition, about painting deliberately, and about having fun. And I have met some really wonderful people, as we comment on each other's blogs and join in on challenges.