I have some neighbors with beautiful gardens. (I myself, got an F in gardening last year, pronounced by a good friend when she visited. You guessed it, I'd rather be painting...) This is my first attempt at "flowers where they stand", done in gouache. Once again, I am not crazy about the photo, this one was scanned. I am still in a camera dilemma, trying to figure out which one to buy. Thoughts on something small and not more than a few hundred dollars, would be appreciated.
And, in case you haven't scanned the right side of the blog lately, I want to remind everyone that I will be giving away a painting a month, starting this month, based on a drawing from those who have joined as a follower, signed up for the blog email notification of posts, or submitted comments. More comments mean more chances to win. And thanks to
Leslie Saeta for the wonderful idea.
Ooo, I love this one, too! The bright colors and treatment of the lilies as semi-abstract, flat shapes give it a wonderful Matisse quality.